In 2016 we invite you to join us in your own personal Stash Less project. Stash Less is a project whereby we work towards having a mindful stash. Each month we will be posting a challenge for you to use in your own journey of discovery and change. Please feel free to join in at any time. We can't wait to hear what you find out! Previous Stash Less posts can be found here.
And Stash Less Challenge #1 can be found here.
A quick roundup.
I've been loving watching things pop up on instagram and on the blog over the last three weeks. Your insights into your making thrill me. They are so personal, and so related to where you were/at at the time of purchasing.
I really believe that being kind to yourself is a really important part of this process. Because changing behaviour is just that - a process. Over time, I'm choosing to make better choices that will add up to a mindful stash. It doesn't mean that I won't make mistakes, and make bad choices here and there. But overall, I'm making better decisions because I have taken the time to understand myself and my purchasing better. And then on top of that I'm practicing what I've learnt. I'm also not allowing myself to be a perfectionist about it, which would allow me the easy out once I'd failed. It's OK to do this imperfectly. And I do.
Better decisions over time, through self knowledge and practice = a mindful stash. Simple as that.
Although the themes that run underneath everyone's purchasing are similar - fomo, the pretty, time poverty etc - how that has translated into what you own, are uniquely personal. And then after examination, what you want to do with that knowledge is too. I love that everyone's journey around consumption is so similar and yet unique.
The next challenge will be posted this Friday but in the meantime I thought I would do a little roundup highlighting some people I've found (in a two minute google search :)) that have posted about the results of the first challenge of our 2016 Stash Less Project, and what they have learned. I always find these such interesting reading as they often give me a different way of looking at my own stash.
- Quietfantastic posted a gorgeous image of some of her grandmother's stash.
- Create Share Love has written about her plan.
- The Knitographer has done a thorough inventory which clearly showed her the benefits and problems with her stash.
- Christine's stash is truly impressive - and tidy.
- Dottie Doodle has gone through her fabric.
- The Dawn Threader talks about why she overspent last year.
- Some more instagram photos of people's stashes - a great way to stay accountable methinks.
- Sonia Knits talks about her stash and clarifies that when I, Felicia, talk about Stash Less I mean "to Stash Less" rather than "to go Stash Less"! Totally true! I love a stash. I just want mine to be mindful and intentional.
Please leave me a link in the comments if you have posted on instagram, facebook or on your blog. I would love to take a look at what you are up to.
Felicia x
PS. As I mentioned, the next challenge will be posted Friday, and in the meantime I hope to slip in another more general post.