Wow! So I've tried to write this post many times. And it's hard. It's hard because it was just so special but rambling on and on about how special it was can make a person seem gushy and inauthentic. But as my Dad reminded me yesterday on the phone when he called me to tell me to "post already", I don't need to say that much as the photos will speak for themselves.
We set out to do something really different with Soul Craft. We wanted to create a space where we could come together and share, share our love of craft and share a bit about ourselves. We wanted to talk about how hand making improves our wellbeing, how it sustains us. And we wanted to create a space that facilitated connection with others - where saying hi to someone you vaguely recognised from online was welcomed.
"Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose!" is what Coach Taylor gets his players to repeat before they go out on the field in Friday Night Lights. Now you might think that Texas high-school football and Soul Craft have little in common..... except that "clear eyes, full hearts" is exactly what happened.
Everyone arrived with such joyful, invested, interested, open energy that we couldn't help but have a good weekend. Conversations were had, and because the hearts were open and our passion was shared, the conversations were of a depth that doesn't normally happen so quickly among groups of strangers.
Lovely women you blew my mind with what you brought with you - your joy, your kindness, your enthusiasm, your stories. It showed me that it is possible to create spaces that are different - spaces that fill us up, sustain us and connect us.
So thank you! Thank you for coming. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for showing up in such a beautiful whole hearted way.
Felicia x