An exciting day today - I get to announce a prize I've been thinking about for yonks! This prize is the other part of the 2016 Stash Less Challenge, and I invite you to be part of it.
You all know that Stash Less has become part of my everyday life. Over the course of the last year, it has irreparably changed the way I think about an unwieldy overflowing stash. I now see my paired-down stash and my scraps as an opportunity. A chance for to play!
I wrote a while ago about Why Restrictions Rock and how the restrictions I placed on my purchasing have also encouraged me to think a bit left of field. Most importantly though, they have got me actually using my stash after years of simply hoarding it based on it's specialness, it's prettiness, or simply the idea that I "might" want to use it for something else.
Specialness, prettiness and maybes, meant that I put off using things I had, and went out to purchase new supplies when I wanted to make something. Instead now, when I have the glimmer of an idea, I head to my fabric cupboard. In most instances I have something that would work, even if I have to modify the idea a little.
I've seen this happening for you too on Instagram, (and your blogs where you have tagged me). Ideas are coming directly out of the process of thinking about your stash in a different way. A freeing up is occurring whereby you are using things you had "saved for something special" because of the realisation that that special is right now, or simply because you have nothing else suitable.
So the March Stash Less Prize aims to celebrate your creative use of your stash.
Dress made from scraps.
Dresses made from hoarded pretty!
The March Stash Less Creativity Prize
This prize aims to highlight and celebrate the creativity that comes from playing with, and finally using your stash.
What you need to do - it's pretty simple;
1. Hashtag your project on instagram using the #stash_less* tag by March 25th
2. Tell us a little story about how Stash Less impacted your making of this project - was it using scraps, a special fabric, or simply seeing your stash in a different light.... you tell us.
What will happen;
1. A short list will be posted in the last week of March.
2. A couple of crafty curator type friends will judge the best one.
3. We will send you a prize!
It is open to anyone, anywhere in the world and the prize will be about $100 of goods - probably in the form of books, patterns etc. We will take into account your interests when we are deciding on a prize.
Anything that has already been posted under the hashtag will be included in this prize round!
Let me know what you think! For me, I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Felicia x
*I'll also look at the #stashless hashtag, as some people are understandably forgetting the hyphen.