I know that there are a few of you out there who are considering coming so I thought I would try to give you a bit of an idea of what might happen.
I went to a craft retreat this year in America in June, right about the time we were launching The Craft Sessions. Many of you that read blogs would probably know about Squam. Pretty pictures fly around blog land for the second half of June each year. In the past this used to fill me with a kind of annoyance - why don't we have one here? (we do - it's called The Craft Sessions!) and also a bit of benign jealousy of the "gee that looks ace" kind.
Well I went this year. Yes, I got to go. To the US. Without my kids. For eleven long lovely days. Let's just call it long service leave from parenting.
The name of my cabin at Squam.
And what I want to tell you about that experience - other than if you ever get the opportunity you should totally go - is that it was all about the love. Yes it was a beautiful spot with great classes, good simple food and time to relax. But the most joyous part of it, and the thing I took away from it, was the connection with other women.
Now I tend to shy away from meeting large groups of people at once. If you met me you wouldn't be able to see this but I feel it, totally. But due to the fact it looked so pretty and filled with love, I filled out the form, decided to be brave and just go. And I am so glad I did.
When you put a group of women together (and the odd bloke) that love to make with their hands you get some kind of alchemy. Something that is more than the sum of it's parts. I made friends that I probably won't see for years. But I feel connected to in a deeper way than spending a few days getting to know someone should result in. I put it down to a shared love and understanding of the value creativity, and the effect that it can have on your life. Everyone there understood the joy of craft. A room full of people on common ground; that does feel like magic!
I had to sit down last night and read through all the comments on the Che and Fidel Giveaway we just did and by the end of that I was feeling a bit emotional. Creativity and the time we make for it in our lives can have such a life changing impact.
(I can hear you screaming at the screen - "crazy sap" - and I will say to you "I know, I know, I went off on one today - talking about the love." But it's true! and once in a while you have to go there.)
So we are halfway full and we still have space in all classes (some are getting full and we will let you know as that happens). We would love you to come and join us.
Is crafting about connection for you? Or is it more for just you? Or both? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Have a great weekend and I'll "see" you Monday.
Felicia x