I'm always on the hunt for more ideas for how to fit more crafting in. In my head I have hundreds (and hundreds) of ideas of things I want to make and sadly only a small-ish amount of time. I'm sometimes asked how I make as much stuff as I do so I thought today I would share some ways that I get more crafting in. Some are super obvious but others maybe not so much....
1. Do multiple crafts. Now this is stating the obvious but some crafts like sewing clothes require you to have kit. They aren't portable and therefore you are restricted as to where and when you can do them. Handwork such as knitting, embroidery or handquilting are more portable; anywhere at any time crafts. Hoorah! Which leads me to my next point.
2. Craft anywhere. And I mean anywhere. Don't worry about feeling a little bit silly knitting on a train or at a school assembly. Tell that feeling to take a hike. The amount of hours in the week where you are beholden to sit and listen or wait for things add up very quickly to something fabulous in terms of productivity.
3. The kid bonus. For those with small people - you will know there are many parts of parenting that are excruciatingly boring (said with love!) Use those times for good. For example, did you know that a 2yo is fully capable of holding their own book and turning the page! I can't tell you how happy I was when I figured this out! Hours of book reading can now be crafting time. Watching babies in the bath, going to the park, waiting at school pickup or dropoff can now be vastly improved with some productive handwork.
4. The downtime bonus. For those without kids - suggestion 3 still applies but alter the cirumstances. Waiting for takeaway, public transport, any car ride.....always have something to do in your bag.
The Immie Tee. Knitted by me with some modifications. Best knitted with a single glass of wine and an open fire. More info about this one on Ravelry - my user name is Flickafish - or on our facebook page.
5. Have multiple projects on the go. Exclusivity is only for those with too much time on their hands. And if you are reading this little monolgue I am guessing that isn't you? Some knitting projects are not suitable for doing with distractions (kids?) around. Simple stocking stitch or garter stitch are perfect for those times. Save the more complicated work for when you have a glass of wine, a open fire and a podcast.
6. Learn to knit with your eyes closed. This is essential and possible for all knitters. This means you can read a book, or watch tv, or be a car passenger on a winding road, or play a board game and still be knitting. I would go so far as to say it is an essential life skill. And it is not as hard as you think. Start by knitting a single stitch with your eyes shut. Feel the yarn. Then try it again. Before you know it....
7. Carve a space out to leave your kit out. I know this is tricky for many people but I have stuff lying all around the house. Get a bit bored of doing the washing? Knit a row. I do the same with the sewing machine. One seam at a time. I just try to always have something sitting out ready to go so if I do get a sec I just do a tiny bit. Two minutes here and two there.
8. Keep a stash. It doesn't have to be huge but it does need to have two things; 1. the basics and 2. some materials that inspire you. Basics are different for everyone but here is an example - I have about three big reels of cotton in each of these colours on hand at all times; dirty blue, grey, off-white, red and navy. These colours work for 90% of what i make. I rarely match my cotton exactly because that would involve a trip to the shop which would slow me down. Secondly keeping materials on hand that inspire you is critical to avoiding the "what do i make now" time-wasting headspace. There should be a few things in the cupboard that sing out to you each time you wander past.
Do you have any others? I'd love to hear them...
Felicia x