The Craft Sessions

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Do you craft for joy?

In putting together The Craft Sessions we thought a lot about who it was for - and the simplest answers is that it for those people that craft for joy! Who craft for the pleasure they get from making something with their hands. For people who love seeing an idea come to life; who feel compelled to make and love getting into the flow of creating.

And it is a bit tricky to explain but it is for exactly the same reason that we put this event together. The idea for The Craft Sessions wouldn't go away. And in the end we felt compelled to do it, compelled to create it. Because there isn't anything like this in Australia - and there should be! We should have the opportunity to get together with other people that make for joy, share, be inspired and learn things. 

Yes there are markets for makers and small crafting groups and wool shows and workshops but nothing that had all the good stuff in the one event. That would bring together people that craft for the fun of it, where there was time to really get to know and be inspired by others outside our immediate crafty circles, super inspiring teachers with great tricks, great food, tea and a bit of scenery thrown in.  

So if you identify with the "I craft for joy!" mantra or something like it - we would love you to join us. Your level of crafty-ness doesn't matter. Beginners who are trying to include more creative time in their lives are looked after as our teachers are all super encouraging. The most advanced crafter is covered too as there is a varied program that allows you to work at your own level. The Craft Sessions is for crafters of all levels - those who know what they are doing already and those who want to know more. I know I'm a bit of

So why do you craft? For the joy? Or does it give you something else?

I would love to hear your thoughts. 

Felicia x


Registration Update

Registrations have been going really well with the quick-off-the-mark types getting in and locking down their preferences. At this stage we still have space in all classes as people have been choosing classes right across the spectrum. Which is great!