The Craft Sessions

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An update on The Craft Sessions 2014

The lovely Leslie doing her Block Printing in Leslie Keating's class.

So a super quick one today as I am still away and really struggling with internet access. I feel like things have been a bit quiet about this year's event - September 5-7th just in case you were wondering - and I just wanted to let you know that it wasn't because we weren't working on it. We are planning our little hearts out! 

We have some wonderful new teachers and many new classes. Mainly new classes in fact. There are only one or two classes that we are repeating (due to super popular demand) and there is so much goodness there. I am bursting to tell you about what we have planned. So very good!

As we did last year - we are focusing for the most part, on traditional hand crafts that are fibre based. We know we can bring you classes that are taught in ways that make these skills and techniques more accessible. Classes that focus on empowering you, and increasing the joy you get from your chosen craft. Again, we have a fantastic balance for all levels of crafter - new crafters right through to those that are already super skilled. There are also plenty of opportunities to dabble in a new-to-you craft. 

In addition to all the new - many of last year's teachers are coming back, which I am so very happy about, as they were fantastic. This was confirmed in spades by the feedback we got from last year's participants. 

So some "dates" - sometime around mid March we will be announcing this year's lineup. I'll let you know as soon as we have them up via the mailing list and then the blog. We will give you a registration date as soon as the classes are finalised.

I can't wait to share it with you. 

Felicia x

PS. If there was a class that you didn't make last year but are desperate to do then leave a comment. I'd love to hear it. I have a week or two left of wiggle room before things get locked down.....speak up lovely people!