Introduction to Seamless Garment Design
Teacher: Georgie Hallam
Description: Taking the leap from knitter to designer is one that many knitters find quite daunting, but it needn’t be. This class will explore a variety of different seamless garment construction possibilities (raglan, circular yoke, saddle shoulders, set in sleeves) before moving onto sizing and grading, knitting the sample/prototype, copyright and ethics, resources and support, pattern writing, pattern testing, finding inspiration, yarn selection and selling your patterns.
Participants will begin the grading and sizing process for their own raglan sleeved garment. Please bring along yarn and appropriate needles. If you have an idea before the class that is fabulous, but don’t feel that you have to.
While the class will use child garment design as the example, it will also address how this can be applied to adult garment design as well.
Materials: Students will need to bring yarn and needles for the sample garment for your pattern. Feel free to bring a variety along to help with your inspiration on the day!
Level: Intermediate
Workshop Length: Full day
Introduction to Seamless Garment Design
Teacher: Georgie Hallam
Description: Taking the leap from knitter to designer is one that many knitters find quite daunting, but it needn’t be. This class will explore a variety of different seamless garment construction possibilities (raglan, circular yoke, saddle shoulders, set in sleeves) before moving onto sizing and grading, knitting the sample/prototype, copyright and ethics, resources and support, pattern writing, pattern testing, finding inspiration, yarn selection and selling your patterns.
Participants will begin the grading and sizing process for their own raglan sleeved garment. Please bring along yarn and appropriate needles. If you have an idea before the class that is fabulous, but don’t feel that you have to.
While the class will use child garment design as the example, it will also address how this can be applied to adult garment design as well.
Materials: Students will need to bring yarn and needles for the sample garment for your pattern. Feel free to bring a variety along to help with your inspiration on the day!
Level: Intermediate
Workshop Length: Full day