Knitting - Fixing and Finishing
The banes of knitting; fixing your mistakes and finishing techniques for a more professional look.
Teacher: Georgie Hallam
Description: This class is about turning home-made into hand-made; creating garments that you’re proud to admit, “yes, I knit that!” We will begin by looking at how to read your knitting, an essential skill for any knitter. This will lead us into fixing mistakes such as dropped stitches, twisted stitches, an errant stitch a few rows down. You will learn to focus on the area where there is a problem and drop back to that stitch to fix it, rather than having to rip back entire rows.
The second half of the class will look at a variety of simple tips and techniques that will improve the finished look of your knitting; tubular cast ons, matching your cast ons and your cast offs, neatening underarms, casting off neatly and sewing in ends properly, stopping garter button bands from rolling in, eliminating gaps in joined areas.
Materials: Students need to provide yarn and needles for playing with in class; 8ply/dk weight is probably the best. You will also need to pring 4mm straight needles as well as your preferred needles for knitting.
Level: Adventurous beginner - Intermediate
Workshop Length: Half Day