The Craft Sessions

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The joy of dreaming!

My version of Hugo.

My brother reminded me that I was going to make him a sweater for his 40th birthday. Which was just over 6 months ago....whoops. Now I did buy him another (gorgeous) present but I haven't made him anything for years. The last thing I made him was the Jared Flood Noro Striped Scarf all those years ago - remember that old-school ravellers? Back at the beginning, when the world of possibility opening up for us knitters.

So I've spent the morning getting excited about embarking on a new big project. I'd forgotten how fun the dreaming was!

A man jumper feels pretty epic. Which is totally because I've only just finished working away on Hugo for my fella, and it took for-eva. That was one big sweater. All cables and really no more than a couple of stitches in a row of stockinette every few rows. It was a workout for the mind and fingers.

But the thrill of finishing such an epic jumper has me on a high. It's so gorgeous and something I know he will wear for years. And the Shelter makes it so light and lush - it is that classic combination of a great pattern and pretty yarn.

And so now a new project! - a big project! - and one whereby I need to purchase the wool! - feels like a whole new journey! Due to Stash Less I've been knitting from stash (which brings pleasures all of it's own), but the joy of trying to match pattern and yarn from so fun. The dreaming. 

A time when the project is full of possibility. A time when you get to dissect and examine and consider and peruse. A time when you get to imagine just how fabulous it will be.

My brother picked the pattern a year ago - Slade by Brooklyn Tweed - and now I'm wandering round the internet looking for yarn ideas. Obviously there is Shelter, but I'm really tempted by O-Wool Balance, especially after hearing so much about it from Karen over the years. I trust her judgement and her singing the praises of O-Wool makes me want to try it out. The other idea I had was Quince's Owl. The alpaca content will make it drapier though and possibly a little fuzzy which may not be so traditionally "manly"......?? Hmm. 

The dreaming......

So so fun. Do you love this part of a project? And if you have any other ideas for yarn choice I'd love to hear them.

Felicia x