The Craft Sessions

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Around the Traps - A Mixed Bag of Goodness

Alichia joined us as a participant at last year's retreat and this is the gorgeous work she created in Melissa's Embroidery From The Natural World class. 

Three weeks to go people before our retreat! ....and one lovely surprise that I haven't yet shared is that the lovely Alichia from Hearth Collective is coming along to do a short "extra" Saturday afternoon workshop about spoon carving. I'm so excited about this one - I love carved spoons! If you haven't seen her beautiful work then please pop over to her site to have a look. 

Next up - because I know that many of you reading can't actually attend the retreat, I've come up with a (genius) plan to spread a little of the retreat joy while it's on! I'm going to have an ace giveaway that will involve a pack of goodies from some of our lovely and super generous supporters (who you can see listed in the sidebar over there ---------> ) so keep your ears open. I'll announce how to enter on this here blog, instagram, Facebook and even Twitter so you will hear about it but I think I'll do it over the weekend of the retreat. It seems fitting.

This last few weeks is such a fun time of year for me as this is when we get to put the final touches on the event. The bits that make it really special. And the boxes have started arriving with lovely things for your retreat gift. I'm can't wait to share them with you on the weekend.... not long now! 

Another lovely thing appearing on the interweb this week is that Karen's gorgeous new project bag is for sale. I missed out on snavelling one of them from Fringe so popped on over to Purl as fast as my little fingers could click. You all know I am mainly and usually about less stuff (she says while talking about gifts and giveaways) but I'm also for the special and well-thoughtout, ethical and clever. These bags are that - they are so beautiful and practical and did I mention beautiful. I haven't decided whether this spend it needs to be included in my Stash Less tally. Your thoughts? It's not technically stash. It's a bag. Do I get off on a technicality?

And talking about Stash Less - I've got a couple of posts coming up for you. I had a little break. Not from Stashing Less but from writing about it. Not sure why - I think I was just forming some more thoughts. Anyway, thoughts are formed and I even did a bit of research about them. And then Elizabeth's question at the end of the (amazing) comments on the Craft In The Middle Of Motherhood has sparked another post - I'm pretty sure I have an answer for her. 

Felicia x