The Craft Sessions

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The Chambray Cult has left the building.

Frocks are from left to right - Purl Soho Embroidered Denim Jumper, my own and Oliver & S Playtime Dress

So I’ve dropped off the planet temporarily and it’s because we are away again, and as always, time and wifi are patchy. I always have grand plans about posting like nothing different is going on. I’m either an optimist or a fool. Take your pick.

Like last year, we are in Europe, and again we are camping (hence the patchy wifi). My fella is from the UK and so we visit nearly every year to see his family - and just so we don’t feel we have spent our entire holiday on the M25 trying to see friends, we thought we would head off camping again. 

This time I was lucky enough to sneak in a sneaky trip to Squam before I met him and the kids in London. I'll post some photos of the wonderful Squam soon, but one of the best bits for me was that I was lucky enough to get to spend the weekend with some lovely friends I only get to see when I'm in the US.

Anyhow during the weekend one of them mentioned she was a little "sad" that I didn’t share photos of our trips on the blog. In the past I haven’t shared that much as I figure this is a craft blog, so I try to keep it not too personal, and mainly craft focused. Her point was that travel is often somewhere we humans draw our inspiration from, and the photos I’m taking probably reflect that. And so I thought I might try some out over the next few weeks to see if you like them.

The photo above is a rare one as I am actually in it – I’m normally the photo taker and not the takee. It was taken in Bilbao last week where the aforementioned fella stated that we look like we are in some kind of chambray cult. It’s probably true – who doesn’t love chambray?

I'll keep posting when I can.

Felicia x

*For those of you not from the UK it is a often excruciatingly slow moving ring-road that encircles London.