The Craft Sessions

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Stash Less - The details of the challenge.

The series where we talk about having a thoughtful stash.

So this challenge is all about consciousness, and making the choice to stash less. As I said in the last Stash Less post, I believe in a stash. However, I want to get concious about how purchasing works in this context. Why I do it. What I like about it. What I don't like. How it affects what I make. What do I want to change about how I act.

I loved reading your comments on the last stash post*. So interesting that many of you feel the same, and that many of you had made a decision to make changes. For me I think changes have already occurred just by deciding to do it. Consciousness has been raised. And there will be more to come I'm sure.

But we don't start talking about the good stuff until the next post. This week I want to tell you the details of how this thing is going to go down.

So I'm going to restrict my spending. But because this isn't about deprivation, but rather about exploration, I'm going to allow a little spending. I don't want it to be too hard. I do want it to be thoughtful.

I'm thinking of a budget of about $50 per month but there are some guidelines about what and how it can be spent.

Stash Less - The Guidelines

1. The $50 is inclusive of spending on tools, materials including things like cottons, needles, etc, and….oh yes…..books! Ouch!

2. I will be making from stash. As such I can only purchase supporting materials for projects that are majority made from the stash. For example - I make a frock using stash fabric but don't have a zip, or buttons. Or I make a quilt from stash but need something special for the binding. I see myself buying things like cotton, interfacing, buttons, etc.

3. I am able to buy yarn for one adult sweater for me during the year. This needs to be concious and thought out. And this money comes from within the budget.

4. I'm going to keep track of and report on what I spend once a month. I'll be posting I'm guessing every two weeks or so about how it is going. I promise to be totally upfront about my successes and my failures. 

More guidelines may come and/or these may be subject to change depending on what I discover. I'd love to hear from you if you have thoughts on my proposal or if you feel like joining me. 


* I'm so sorry I haven't got to answering them yet. Busy week with school going back!